Why hens don’t break the eggs they sit on!
The secret to hens being able to sit on their eggs without cracking them has to do with their dome-shaped ends. A dome is a three-dimensional arch, which is one of the strongest architectural forms.
Eggs have a dome shape on each end. One end is more pointed than the other.
In the video, raw eggs are walked on without breaking them. No tricks are being used. But the person does have to apply an even pressure on the eggs. In other words, setting the foot down as flat as possible on the eggs.
What effect do egg cartons have on supporting the eggs in the video?
In any structure there are always two types of forces at work–compression and tension. When designing and building structures, architects and engineers must consider these two forces: Tension and Compression. The diagrams show two easy ways to demonstrate the difference in the direction of compression forces and tension forces.
Did You Know?
Thomas Edison was a very curious child. He observed a goose sitting on her eggs, and his mother explained that she was keeping them warm so they would hatch. Mrs. Edison was concerned about Thomas and went to find the tardy child. She found Thomas asleep on a nest of goose eggs.